Speak (or write) Your truth

It’s often the case that writers feel a real urgency to write, but then stumble regarding what it is they want to say. Many writers are desperate to be heard, even though they’re not sure what their message might be. This sounds contradictory, but it’s so common! As someone who’s experienced this myself, I think it usually stems from having had a voice that’s been suppressed for too long. If you’ve been silenced, as a child or as an adult, it’s only natural to want to be heard, seen, and acknowledged.

For myself, I’m often ready to burst with all of the wisdom I have to share! Especially all of the wisdom and insights my spirit guides and angels have shared with me. My higher Self has tremendous wisdom as well, and often nudges me to listen. So how do we unearth all of the knowledge, wisdom and opinions we feel bubbling inside of us? We may feel that we have SO much to say that we don’t know where to begin.

How do we carve out those issues that matter most to us? How do we focus on those ideas that feel the most urgent?

One approach is to think about which topics get you so fired up, that you can’t help but talk about them and share your views. Another approach is to listen to the opinions others are sharing and feel into what your view is on that topic. Maybe it’s contrary to what you’re hearing, but you stay quiet so as to not appear confrontational. That’s ok! Just think about what you WOULD say to your best friend about it later. What would you say to her? Then pick up that pen and paper, or open up a new Google doc and start writing!


eradicating writer’s block